LA VOCE DEL CORPO (the voice of the body)
A show by Luca Vullo
THE VOICE OF THE BODY is an amusing show about the extraordinary skill of the Italian people to communicate without words but using only the body language.
The performer reveals the multiple meanings and the different ways to use the typical gestures in Italy to express concepts, feelings, emotions, thoughts and moods.
An original interactive journey rich of hilarious anecdotes between stereotypes, history, language, culture, science and emotional intelligence.
According with the author, is fundamental to study the hand gestures and facial expressions of people to understand their culture and their mentality and in particular of Italians, that can boast to have the richest and most articulated non-verbal communication code in the world.
The show compares several countries highlighting linguistic differences and of using one's own body to express itself and shows us, with great utility, the possible intercultural misunderstandings that can occur in different parts of the world.
A cultural event with a socio-anthropological mark and a funny dress useful to give new tools for better understanding of human being and put more attention to the importance of non verbal communication.
Written, directed and performed by Luca Vullo, the show invites the audience to look the world with different glasses but also to analise itself and his own culture.